Maintaining positive thoughts

• E. G. S. Emotional Guidance System - Your inner guide

It is said that the average human being has approximately 64,000 thoughts per day. Protecting all of your thoughts 24 hours a day can be a full-time job. There is a better way to gauge how you are doing and that is through your feelings. We call it your E.G.S., which stands for Emotional Guidance System. If you’re feeling positive and happy, then you are on the right track. Your feelings are the best gauge of the thoughts you are keeping. Are you feeling good, excited, happy or are you sad, angry or disgusted?

• Law of Vibration - One of the basic rules of quantum physics is that everything is energy. All energy puts off vibration. This rule is especially true when it comes to thoughts. Thoughts put off energy, and positive thoughts are higher energy than negative thoughts.

Another rule is that everything in this world has its spiritual or thought double. Anything that has ever been created was first thought of by someone at some point and then the thought became reality as they developed and created that item.

So following this line of thought, you have your spiritual or inner self, and your conscious or physical self. Your spiritual or inner self is very positive and as it is connected to the universe, it has so much more at its disposal than your conscious self does. Whatever you are feeling negative or having bad vibrations, it is because you are not in alignment with your inner self. Whenever you are having a good, positive feelings you are in alignment.

This spiritual alignment is the best gauge of progress that you can have. If you are feeling positive then you are right on track. If you are feeling negative it is important to be aware of your thought process and immediately change it.

How can I change my thoughts to stay in alignment with my inner self?

1. Thought stopping

You’re going to have thoughts every minute of every day either way, whether you follow the teachings of this book or not. Knowing that … why not try to train your thoughts to be positive, motivational and happy?

• How can you change negative thoughts?

If you are having thoughts day and night, every minute of every day how can you control them? There is a technique in which you can control negative thinking and it is called thought stopping.

Before you attempt thought stopping is important for you to realize that there are certain lines of thinking that are unproductive and even harmful to you. These lines of thinking should be stopped or eliminated immediately.

Thought stopping is a simple yet effective way to stop unproductive or negative thought from continuing to develop. The entire process works like this. As soon as a negative or unproductive thought enters your mind or you are thinking in a negative way, simply say to yourself out loud “stop” and watch the negative thought fade away.

Even though this seems very simple, if you make a point of practicing it in your life on a regular basis you will find it to be very helpful in your progression.

Also, when you find a negative influence or statement coming to you from other people or any outside source, instead of accepting the negative input and allowing it to become part of your programming, you can stop it in the same manner. This gives your subconscious mind the ability to correct the negative and replace it with the appropriate positive programming.

Other words that can be used as a substitute the word “stop” are “cancel” or “delete”.

One additional point that is very important to the process is once you have said the words stop or cancel, it is important to swap your thinking to a different line of thought. Stopping alone is not enough, you must “Stop and Swap”. That means once you have stopped the negative thought you must begin a different line of thinking to send you in a positive direction.

2. Never end a negative statement

When you find yourself saying something negative or unproductive, simply do not finish the sentence or end it with a positive statement.

3. Distraction

Distract yourself with something radically different. If you find yourself thinking negatively find something different to distract you. A good recourse is to listen to positive uplifting music. Another is to watch a comedy on television. You may want to get up, walk outside and go for a brisk walk. Maybe even stand up and hop around a bit. There are so many options that you can choose from depending on where you are and what the situation is. It is just important to do something different to break the flow of negativity.

4. The 15 second rule

Whenever your thoughts are of fear, doubt or negativity be sure not to give them more than 15 seconds of your attention. As long as you can change your thoughts or get rid of them before approximately 15 seconds they will not have the momentum to be sent out into the universe. On the other hand if you want to create something positive with your thoughts you should hold that thought for at least 15 seconds or longer if possible …

NOTE: Some people while trying to live this positive thought concept find themselves thinking or saying negative things and become discouraged and feel that they may have lost all progress they had been working on previously. You should understand that words alone are not going to be acted upon. They are just words. It is your thoughts and feelings that are acted upon. Thoughts become feelings and in turn become things, but keep in mind that as long as you change your thoughts from negative to positive within that 15 second period, you have not lost any ground. (Try keeping the same thought for a period of 15 seconds. You will find that it is longer than you imagined.)

5. Eliminate the Shoulds - The Law of Allowing

We all seem to have our own ideas of what life should be like. Many times we find ourselves saying …

I should be more caring.

I should be prettier or more handsome. I should lose weight.

I should stop smoking I should work harder. I should make more money. He shouldn’t do that. You shouldn’t wear that. You shouldn’t say that. You shouldn’t go there. You shouldn’t drive that way. You shouldn’t be so angry.

We seem to set ourselves up with all the many shoulds because there are more shoulds than you can ever imagine. By setting ourselves up with all of these shoulds, we also seem to feel that everyone else should fall within our guidelines of how people should be. So when someone does not do what we think they should do, we become upset or stressed if they do not have the same morals, appreciation, understanding, or even driving skills. We tend to judge, criticize, and in many cases become very stressed. It’s important to eliminate the shoulds from our lives and to try our best to simply be who we are.

This is the basic tenant in the Law of Allowing. We allow others to be as they are. We make our own choices and so do they. You cannot control anyone else. They may invite you to be part of their experience however they are ultimately in control of themselves.

6. Gratefulness

Once you have stopped your negative thought it is important to change your line of thinking to something positive. One way to do that is to make a list of everything that you are thankful for. It is important to show gratefulness to the universe for all that you are given. By being in a state of gratefulness you’ll be attracting more of what you are grateful for, to yourself.

By being thankful for what you have you are sending out positive thoughts into the universe. These positive vibrations are in alignment with other similar positive vibrations and will attract more of what you have to you. It will also change your entire demeanor from being sad being happy and positive.


Make a detailed list of what you are grateful for right now in your life. Each morning when you wake up taking a moment to read through your entire list thinking about each item. If you think of something new that you are thankful for add it on to the list.


Reference: Execution of the Law of Attraction